Question: 1
HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) is found in which of the following body fluids of an infected person?
(A) Blood. |
(B) Semen/Vaginal Secretion. |
(C) Breast Milk. |
(D) All of the above. |
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Answer: (D) All of the above.
Question: 2
Which of the following gas is not known as green house gas?
(A) Methane. |
(B) Hydrogen. |
(C) Carbon dioxide. |
(D) Nitrous Oxide. |
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Answer: (B) Hydrogen.
Question: 3
'Ang Lee' won Oscar Award in California as the best director for the film-
(A) Abraham Lincoln. |
(B) Argo. |
(C) Life of Pie. |
(D) Searching for Sugar Man. |
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Answer: (C) Life of Pie.
Question: 4
Which of the following personality has made the slogan 'Each one teach one'?
(A) Mahatma Gandhi. |
(B) Dr. S. Radhakrishnan. |
(C) Dr. H. GT. Khurana. |
(D) Maulana Abul kalam Azad. |
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Answer: (B) Dr. S. Radhakrishnan.
Question: 5
Bleaching powder is added to water used for drinking purpose. The role of bleaching powder in this case is-
(A) as a disinfectant. |
(B) as a bleaching agent. |
(C) To remove impurity. |
(D) To decrease the PH level. |
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Answer: (A) as a disinfectant.
Question: 6
Which of the following acid present in the venom of bee and ant sting?
(A) Formic acid. |
(B) Tartaric acid. |
(C) Acetic acid. |
(D) Hydrochloric Acid. |
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Answer: (A) Formic acid.
Question: 7
Which of the following is a sedimentary rock?
(A) Marble. |
(B) Slate. |
(C) Quartzite. |
(D) Coal. |
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Answer: (D) Coal.
Question: 8
The Mechanical advantage of a second class lever is-
(A) Alaways more than 1. |
(B) Always less than 1. |
(C) Always equal to 1. |
(D) Greater or less than 1. |
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Answer: (A) Alaways more than 1.
Question: 9
Which of the following pair of ocean is connected by Suez Canel?
(A) The Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean. |
(B) The Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea. |
(C) The Mediterranean Sea and the Arabian Sea. |
(D) Indian Ocean and the Southern Ocean. |
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Answer: (B) The Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea.
Question: 10
The imaginary line on the earth's surface, which closely follows the 180 Degree meridian, is called the-
(A) International Date Line. |
(B) Tropic of Cancer. |
(C) Tropic of Capricorn. |
(D) Equator. |
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Answer: (A) International Date Line.