Read the latest and most important current affairs of March 2020. Here you can know about the current trending national & international news & happenings of the month of March, 2020. You can also practice current gk based questions answers and quizzes of the month of March, 2020 which are important to stay updated for job exams & interviews.

GK & Current Affairs Questions Answers March, 2020
Recently the Government of India has enrolled a superhero to clear doubts and share health tips with kids related to Coronavirus. The superhero named as-
- (A) Virat
- (B) Vaayu
- (C) Vinit
- (D) Vinay
Which of the following country has recently declared that it will host the virtual G20 leaders’ summit 2020?
- (A) United States
- (B) Saudi Arabia
- (C) India
- (D) Sri Lanka
Who has been recently appointed as the deputy governor of Reserve Bank of India, whose term will expire on April, 2 2020?
- (A) BP Kanungo
- (B) NS Vishwanathan
- (C) Michael Patra
- (D) MK Jain
Recently Indian Railways has decided to modify how many coaches into isolation for quarantine facilities in coronavirus covid-19 situation?
- (A) 10,000
- (B) 20,000
- (C) 30,000
- (D) 50,000
Recently Spain has banned funeral ceremonies until-
- (A) April 11, 2020
- (B) May 11, 2020
- (C) June 11, 2020
- (D) July 11, 2020
Due to Covid-19, The Maharashtra government has cut how much percent of salary from the Chief Minister & Other Member of Legislative Assembly and Legislative Council?
- (A) 20%
- (B) 50%
- (C) 60%
- (D) 80%
On March 31, 2020 The Ministry of Tourism has launched a portal to support foreign tourists. The name of the portal is-
- (A) Stranded in India
- (B) Foreigners to India
- (C) Tourism in India
- (D) Landed in India
Recently Indian Institutes of Technology Madras (IIT-Madras) has partnered with which of the following two industries for the research in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and magnetic nanoparticles-based products?
- (A) Intuit & iRunway
- (B) MagGenome Technologies and BUDDI Health
- (C) John Deere & KPMG
- (D) Komli Media Pvt. Ltd. & Sybase.
Who is the current Director-General of the Word Health Organization (WHO)?
- (A) Tedros Adhanom
- (B) Margaret Chan
- (C) Zhong Nanshan
- (D) Sania Nishtar
NASA recently announced about its Sun Radio Interferometer Space Experiment (SUNRISE) mission to study about-
- (A) Jupiter and Saturn.
- (B) detect light from extrasolar planets.
- (C) moon behaviour.
- (D) Giant solar particle storms.